60 Minute Cities: Vigo | 60 分钟,我的城市- 维哥

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[Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions]

Although I have grown and spent all my life in Santiago de Compostela, I have been living in Vigo for the last 15 years / Two very different cities, with different rhythms, with different landscapes and, therefore, with different tones / I love to listen and I love to record what I hear / For me Vigo smells and sounds to the sea / It's something that has stuck to me widly / But it also sounds like metal, the tumult and the chaos of every big city / It has places to feel the madness, the noise that we have created in the surroundings of our homes / And it has some small windows that connect us with the peace (threatened) of nature / Increasingly scarce / Noise pollution / These recordings speak of all that //

Aunque he crecido y pasado toda mi vida en Santiago de Compostela, desde hace 15 años resido en Vigo / Dos ciudades muy distintas, con distintos ritmos, con distintos paisajes y, por tanto, con distintas sonoridades / Me encanta escuchar y me encanta grabar lo que escucho / Para mi Vigo huele y suena a mar / Es algo que se ha pegado a mi salvajemente / Pero también suena a metal, a tumulto y al caos propio de toda gran ciudad / Tiene lugares para sentir la locura, el estruendo sonoro que hemos creado en el entorno de nuestros hogares / Y tiene algunas pequeñas ventanas que nos conectan con la tranquilidad (amenazada) de la naturaleza / Cada vez más escasas / Contaminación acústica / De todo eso hablan estas grabaciones //

我在Santiago de Compostela出生长大,但是过去15年我一直生活在比戈(西班牙西北部港市)/这是两个非常不一样的城市,有着不一样的节奏、风景,以及当然,也就有着不一样的音调/我喜欢聆听、记录我听到的声音/于我,比戈充满着海水的味道和声音/这深深戳入我的内心/它也是金属的声音,有着每个大城市都有的喧闹和嘈杂/在这个城市里,你可以感受疯狂,还可以听见在家附近制造的噪音/你还可以通过一些小的窗口,和大自然(快要消失)的平静产生联结/越来越稀少的平静/噪音污染/这些录音记录了这一切

About The Artist:

Marco Maril (Mexico City, 1974) / Artistically known as Apenino, he has published several albums since 1999, both solo and in collaboration with other artists / Besides being musician, he is also Sound Designer and Sound Technician, very interested in soundscape and fieldrecordings working with the sounds he collects to develop his compositions / His professional career began in the radio but he has now focused his work on the audiovisual field /

Marco Maril(1974年出生于墨西哥城)/他也有个艺名叫Apenino,自1999年开始出版了几本专辑,其中包括自己的个人专辑以及和其他艺术家合作的专辑/他除了是一个音乐人,还是声音设计师和音响技术员,对音景和实地录音有强烈兴趣,会用他收集的声音作为素材来创作/他的职业生涯开始于电台工作,现在的工作主要着眼于视听领域/

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